
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


As i promised...

Azurics Favourite Places:-
(the world is a very big place and unfortunately i haven't seen it all yet, so this is based on places, however big or small, i've been to so far, and was old enough to appreciate)
  1. My Bed! - Its warm and comfy, i love to sleep, and well, theres so much more one can do...
  2. Kyoto, Japan - So peaceful, full of natural beauty that has been un-touched since ancient times. My favourite memory is sitting on the steps of a Japanese temple, listening to Zero7 - When it falls, looking at the rain falling on the sea of trees that covered the mountains.
  3. London - So many memories of day-trips with friends! And such a great place, so much to see, so much to do, it has everything. And the tube! And the red buses! And its so metropolitan...

(well doesn't that make me sound so boring...i know i will think of other places after i've done this...but meh!)

Well, thats it for now, more polls when i think of them!


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