
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Grrr! Im bored. And tired. And am feeling guilty. About all the work that is currently residing on the desk next to me. Which i am not doing.
So, after attempting to procrastinate by wrapping Christmas presents and then finding that i have no wrapping paper with which to do so, I have resorted to Blogging.
That makes Blogging sound like an unappetising second option, which it isn't, because Blogging is so fun. And strangely addictive. So that is why you are reading/skimming over this right now.
And to add to my complaints, i think i've come down with "that". You know, "oh yeah, thats going around at the mo, everyone has it" - "that"/"man-flu" - whatever you want to call it.

But anyway...I've done nearly all my Christmas shopping! Woo-hoo! Avoided the hugely annoying rush job that occured last year - readers, i urge you never never ever ever to leave your Christmas shopping till Christmas eve. Ever. (Now i'll stop before this turns into an All Saints song)

So yeah, what did i buy...2 Cds - Jack Johnson and er...PussyCat Dolls, a Moss jumper, a scarf, a tie, some lip balm, and a candle. I want to keep it all!...except the PCD...and i dont really care too much for the candle or balm either.
Dont really rude sales assistants annoy you? In buying said candle i went into one of those really funky/gadgety independant shops. And the guy behind the counter was so moody, gave me a weird kind of stare when i was browsing, (not wanting to seem arrogant/vain but i dont know, maybe he was checking me out? Im a bit oblivious with things like that, i really dont know) and he had a kind of "yeah im gay and what?!" Daffyd-Thomas-a-la-Little-Britain attitude. Whats wrong with being nice and friendly? It doesnt cost anything, and its the least you can do if im giving you my custom. Instead he just glances up from his magazine and murmurs the price and, i think a thankyou, how lucky i am.
I love those kinds of shops though (funky independant, not avec moody staff). They are nearly always very expensive, but so unique and uber-cool. I think i almost admire the owners, its a brave thing to do, to set up and run your own business, especially if its a specialist one. I would love to own or co-own a business/shop like that one day - possibly an interior design one, like Abode! (check the link in the side-bar)

Woo-hoo number 2: I have also compiled my Christmas songs playlist on iVor, which consists of all the fifty-billion different versions of "Winter Wonderland" and also "All i want for Christmas" and all the others...and strangely Will Young - Leave right now. Because its such a great song. And reminds me of a rather sad time near the new-year's before last, but makes me happy. If that makes any sense/you can relate to that at all.

And i will be decorating my tree this week-end! How exciting, hopefully then it will actually feel like Christmas.
Although...i find out the result of that interview in early Jan, so that is going to possibly "make" but much more likely "break" my new year. And im single. :-( [Insert sarcastic "woo-hoo" here.]

Ah well, "destiny is set in the palm of your hand" as i say, so who knows what/who is round the corner...

Good day, good night, and good morning ;-)


  • At 8:09 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Er yeah! Sure you can. You dont seem to have a blog yourself...?

    But yes, your welcome to come here whenever, the more the merrier!
    And i will continue to "Blog-hard".


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