
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Friday, December 02, 2005


So...what should i "splurge" about today?
Is there any reason to be splurging at all? Apart from the fact that it means im not studying the fascinating world of Grignard Reagents.

Im mighty pissed off.
I never thought i'd say this but...i hate being single. I mean, this is me. I never normally think like this.
But...everyone is in a relationship. Its like being trapped in a valentines day nightmare...P.D.As all over the 6th form centre. It makes you want to gag. Reminds me of a time i was in the childrens section of Waterstones and this couple, man standing behind woman, were playing tonsil hockey. Disgusting.

Don't you just hate it when the things/persons you want, aren't there, and the things/persons you don't really have an attraction to are there.

I think im finally getting tired and frustrated of school and (some) people at school also.
8 years in the same place with the same people. Who think they know you but really, really dont. And who have cryogenically frozen, un-modifyable oppinions of you others. And who are still very immature.
I can't be myself here. I want to go away, to university, and be independant, where no one knows me, and be able to start afresh, and be who i am.


  • At 7:30 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    Patience little one.

    Which of course is absolutely no help to you (and mildly patronising), but try to remember that life will be different (often too different).

    As an aside, I read this post after the one about the Advent calendars (which reminds me; why do Advent calendars now all start on the first of December? Advent starts with the first Sunday in Advent, which was the 27th this year, which means they're depriving you of 4 day's worth of chocolates. Go and demand them, and if they say no, sue them under the Trade Description act) and Harry Potter. Which meant that when I saw mention of Grignard Reagents, I wondered what he taught Hogwarts.

    And encroaching coupledom is a pain, isn't it? But then you've not got long until the end of term, then one more term before it all dissolves into exams (and you've probably got modules or mocks after Christmas, so it's not even a full term). So compared to how long you've lived so far, even if you were born after The Goonies was made, it's not long. And if you're trying to do revision, it's not long enough.

  • At 8:55 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Hehehe thanks Any.
    I know, theres not long now...I have already started the dreaded-ice throwing inducing-revision. But i just feel so bored and trapped here sometimes. Maybe its just a case of Kevin-itis or Moody Teen Syndrome.
    Oh well, good things come to those who wait...


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