The letter that i had been expecting came today from Cambridge.
And as i predicted it read "we regret to inform you" blah blah blah.
What was surprising was that i honestly wasn't upset by it.
Well, of course i'd have prefered to get an offer, but i had been expecting rejection and i guess i didn't really want to go there deep down inside.
It isn't my kind of place, i do want to get a good degree but there, its far too accademic for my liking.
I think my mum was more dissappointed than i was, bless her.
Im just hoping i get invited to interviews at the other 3 universities i've applied to, especially the one that i actually really want to go to...
And...good news, kind-of. The friend that i fancy, has got with someone else.
Good news?
Yes because, when they told me i didnt feel anything at all, infact i was happy for them. And i havent thought of them at all over the holidays, so this means that my attraction is based on lust and nothing more.
At 8:35 am,
Rob7534 said…
I'm so sorry about the rejection letter Azuric.
I know how that feels, as when I first applyed to university here in the States. Even though you weren't really sure you wanted to go there anyway, a rejection letter can be a bit depressing none the less.
A blow to our ego, which would rather have many insitutions fighting for us, and no rejecting! :)
As for your friend (sex unknown btw) that has got someone ELSE in their life, I'm sorry about that too. You wanted them... and your feelings are important and they matter. Even though you've allowed yourself to grow numb to those feelings.
Just remember, you're important, you deserve to love and be loved! Don't deny your feelings or minimize their effect on your personality and outward expression.
Oh... and give in to your lust once in a while :) Just to see what would happen.
Always play safe though.
Cheer up! and Goodluck w/school.
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