ObscureAzure v1.03
ObscureAzure has been updated (a little) for your blogging pleasure...
New features include:
Of my regular readers, i know that 2 work (actually make that 1 because im not sure the other is still a reader), one is at uni, and im not sure about the others, but it may interest you to know that if you are reading ObAz v1.03 when you shouldnt be, you can now click the little "exit" button in the side bar under my avatar to make a safe dash to Google.
New Bloggers&Blogs:
The blog formerly known as Whatevasista by Lovely Jonathan which i found through Dan and Any and have been reading for a while but never got round to linking to till today, and a more recent find - Chav Mum. Both are hilarious!
Because im worth it!:
My blog is worth £2000-ish apparently! - See at the bottom of the sidebar
How much is yours worth?
At 8:05 am,
Rob7534 said…
Thanks for the kind words Azuric, on my blog. Since I ussually browse while at work, I'll find that Escape button quite handy!
At 8:51 pm,
Anyhoo said…
I'm not sure that blogworth thing works - you somehow manage to have more regular readers, yet my blog is apparently worth $6k. No idea which dollars though. Probably Australian.
And is that per annum, over the lifetime of the blog, or for forever more?
At 10:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
I still pop by occasionally to see what you've been up to :)
It seems my blog is worth a whopping $12,419.88 some how. Reckon I should put it on eBay? Hehe.
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