Okay, firstly, who's idea was it to put loofah bits in a shower gel?
I spent ages in the shower picking off bits of loofah from places where loofah really shouldn't be.
Secondly, I'm going crazy with the waiting now.
There's only three days left and I'm hating it.
Everytime I think about uni I get really excited but then have to force myself to not, just incase. I keep having really random thoughts about what it's going to be like living away, thinking about things to take with me, like this lamp next to me.
Okay quick lets change the subject - I'm getting weird stomach nervousness feelings.
Hands up who loves that new Michael Gray track - Borderline.
The one with one half of Alesha's Attic (remember them? No? Neither could I) doing the vocals.
His stuff is always great.
Okay so he's only done two tracks, but The Weekend was amazing.
That track was my anthem in the 1st year of 6th form!
However it's till midnight.
I think I may go, it would be good to see everyone and will also keep me busy.
But then again, mum has taken my car (wow - I can actually say 'my car') though so I'll have to wait for her to get back from work before I can go, and plus I was just round his last Thursday/Friday.
Goes to A's
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Hey, just got back from A's.
It was the first time I drove on my own, and of course mum did the obligatory mum speech of:
"ring me as soon as you get there. And drive slow. And if the house phone is busy, ring my mobile. Don't forget".
The drive was good and I managed to remember how to get there (obviously) and some great songs came on on the way, including Chamillionaire - Ridin' Dirty.
When I got there, only A, N and her boyfriend S, and PG were there.
Pretty much as soon as I got there A, S, and PG began rolling joints (I don't approve, don't worry), and then we all went outside and sat on the decking over the pond.
They smoked, we all talked.
After that and ringing people to persuade them to come, we went inside to find food but there wasn't any (A doesn't plan well), and after chatting in the kitchen for a bit, JG (N's brother) and then K and AW came.
After more chatting and catching up in the conservatory I got a call from my sister saying she was 10 minutes away from home so I said my goodbyes and left to come and meet her so we could go to Hip-Hop dancing*.
[*Which we've now shortened to just 'Hip-Hop'. Mums can be so embarrassing, especially when you're in public and they ask, "oh, are you going dancing tonight?" annoyingly loud. I'm sorry, but I'm no Billy Elliot.]
More driving, and this time with rain and everything.
I was quite pleased with my voyage, especially the bit where I so didn't stall at a deserted-ish roundabout because I was fiddling with the radio.
Yeah, that bit was really good.
Seriously though, being able to drive alone and go where you want is so liberating, and when great tracks come on it just makes you feel so much better.
Okay, so there was no Dodgy, but then again, I wasn't winding around Cornish country lanes, so I didn't matter.
After I got home, I sat down to eat with my sister and we both decided that we'd give Hip-Hop a miss this week as we were both tired and only had 18 minutes to get there.
And that pretty much is the jist of my day.
My sister is going to London tomorrow.
To Oxford street.
I was so jealous when I heard.
Then she said she's only going for two hours, and I wasn't so jealous.
[For those who are needing to live vicariously, an email in the right direction may catalyse the chance for me to return details of an avocation in exchange for the two I've recieved.]
At 9:16 pm,
Azuric said…
OMG - I love that Michael Gray track even more now after watching the video carefully.
Look where it's shot.
At 10:26 pm,
Anyhoo said…
@comment above: er, the same place as the BBC ident? I spent the entire video trying to triangulate the building.
Alesha's Attic (remember them? Yes. It's spelt with an 'i'. I've got a copy of their CD somewhere. Admittedly I haven't listened to it this century, and I didn't pay for it, but I still know of them.
For the record, I was not old enough to drive when Dodgy's stuff came out. And hence I wasn't the one who hit a caravan while careering round Cornish lanes.
And you've lost me on the vicariation. Just send the email anyway will you?
At 10:40 pm,
Azuric said…
I meant the general city. Hey, it's a big thing for us hopeful Londoners-to-be.
Re email: I was going to do it earlier, got as far as the reply box and then didn't know what to say or how to start.
I'll try again tomorrow. I've got a really bad headache now.
Nighty night.
At 12:05 am,
Anyhoo said…
It was a dark and stormy night...?
Perhaps the more traditional Once upon a time...?
Or even the highly formulaic bestseller option of [Adjective] [job title] [forename] [surname] [verb]... if you can happily ignore the obit connotations.
Sorry, rambling and making references you won't get.
Probably should ditto the "Night night".
At 8:03 am,
Rob7534 said…
I prefer, "Once upon a midnight dreary."
"Now is the Winter of our discontent..."
For opening lines.
At 11:11 am,
Azuric said…
Okay people, focus. Story time is over. Comments regarding the post only please. :-P
WV: dodmkosu - Swahili for?
At 7:17 pm,
In Full Bloom said…
I should be finding out about the same time as you + yes, limbo is horrific. I just want to KNOW.
Good luck to you with everything : )
Mum took most of the pics (I'm not called the worst photographer ever for nothing!), but I included a few I took when I was last over there + I just uploaded some new ones I took.
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