
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Monday, January 09, 2006

My Chemical Insomnia

Maybe it was because I watched celeb big brother sandwiched between a double-bill of Invasion and so had a mind buzzing with activity but I just couldn't get to sleep last night. I got into bed at 11pm and the last time I saw the clock on my Hi-Fi it was 12:03am.

And you know when you've been over-doing the Chemistry revision when you recall dreaming of acid-chlorides, HCl and Lithium Aluminium Tetrahydride, and then the dream becomes livid as you keep trying to calculate the product of reactions over and over again in your dream until you wake up thinking about it.
3:07am the clock read.

I lay there trying to clear my mind and fall asleep again. Turning from side to side, re-arranging pillows, even doing my imagine-sinking-into-the-pillow-until-you-fall-asleep thing that I do. Nothing worked. And I felt awful from the cold that everyone in the house now has. Around 3:30am-ish I gave up and got up. My mind still so active, and me feeling wide awake, so...

I sat down at my desk and resumed working through the chapter of the Chemistry revision book that I had been revising the day before, until about 4am-ish when I began to feel tired again - you've just got to love the irony of the human-sub-conscious.

Just after 4am I got back into bed again, but still there was no luck, after having tried all manner of things to tire myself out I just lay there listening to the radio. Minute by minute the night crawled into dawn, and at 5:30am-ish I got out of bed again, feeling like a zombie on an espresso overdose, to meet my parents who had got up for work in the hallway.
Apparently mum was the same, in fact, no one slept perfectly.

By now I was feeling really hungry so I went downstairs into the kitchen to make a sausage toastie with non-meat soya sausages (that are actually really nice), and also thought i'd put the laundry from the washing machine into the dryer. Mum had bought some new bath towels and I dont trust anyone in this house to do the laundry after a particular, no wait, several incidents, which have resulted in me having pink Calvin Klein boxers...and a pink school P.E. shirt.
Trying to decipher the hieroglyphic washing instructions to see whether they could go in the dryer I noticed that they had to be ironed on medium heat - the little iron symbol with 2 dots - which begs the question - who irons their bath towels?! And why?!
My mum insists on ironing all the bed linen which i think is such a waste of time and effort, its just going to get creased again after the first nights sleep in it. Rediculous. Anyway, i bunged them in the dryer regardless and they survived so thats the end of that.

==== We interupt this post to bring you a hilarious comment from Celeb Big Brother UK ====

"You can take a horse to water but you cant make it drink,
you can take a whore to culture but you cant make her think"
- Pete Burns talking about Jodie Marsh

After a hot drink i managed to nod-off at about 7:30am for a couple of hours. I've felt crap all day, in fact, now i can relate to one of Any's T-shirts after that microwave drying experience.

Im going to finish watching the quality entertainment programme that is CBB and then have a hot shower with some Molton Brown eucalyptus shower stuff, and possibly a mug of horlicks, mmmm...

I have to be in school at 8:15am tomorrow for a mock exam! Woo-hoo!


  • At 11:49 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    And I thought last night's "oh look, it's only 50 minutes till my alarm goes off at 6" experience was bad enough. It didn't help that I went to bed early to make sure I got lots of sleep, as I knew I wasn't going to get round to any tonight (said he emerging from the metabolism of 17 beta-oestradiol, while really struggling to remember what the beta bit means. Not that it matters. In this state I'd lose count before I got to the 17th carbon (not that I know where to start from)).

    Maybe I ought to give up this whole night-before/last-minute thing, especially as I just read that you were about to drink a nice mug of some Molton Brown eucalyptus stuff, which didn't register as wrong.

    Of course, when I say that, I do mean after tonight.


    PS. I would add something along the lines of "you can take an Any to bed but you can't make him sleep", but A. it sounds a bit dodgy, and B. it doesn't have the -ter or -ink rhymes. Right now, I'm not sure which concerns me more.

  • At 8:42 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Wait till you play Age3, your dreams will consists of ordering little men to fight on the map, and of resource gathering!


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