
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Thank anyone and everyone its friday!

What a week its been...

It seems like my exams were ages ago.
And now i can spend this weekend, catching up on all the work i let slack because of them, theres nothing like pondering over ladders against walls and magnitudes of forces and the definate intergrals of random logarithms till you nod of at your desk with boredom. Joy!

I applied for my first ever job today (how lazy i have been, how excited i feel).
I really hope i get it, not just because i spent all of last night generating a covering letter and professional CV from the pathetic "okay children, your doing GCSEs now, time to learn about CVs" excuse for one that previously existed, (its quite hard to write a CV for your first job, well first proper job, because working for family never counts does it, i mean what does one write?), but also because its in a rather funky shoe shop.
This means 2 things: firstly, and less importantly (of the utmost importance to my sister however), there is a possibility i will eventually get discount. Secondly, it will hopefully give me the oportunity to meet some (sexy) nice, friendly, new people.

Someone (another Brit-asian Indian) mistook me for being half Spanish today.
I was really surprised and burst out laughing before dismissing their query and confirming that i was, like them, "fully" Indian.
I was surprised because i'd assumed my race/ethnicity (whatever you want to call it) was pretty obvious, especially to another of the same, but after later telling my sister, she seemed to be able to see how they could have thought that because i am quite fair and have defined facial features apparently. (More European than someone of an Indian-Asian decent?)
I took their assumption as a compliment initially, and later began to wonder why...
Why is it that we (assuming others do as well. Do you?) feel complimented by having certain physical attributes normally associated with other races/cultures?
Im assuming its because society generally views such attributes as sexually or otherwise attractive. And i guess also because it sets us appart from others of the same race, giving us further individuality.

And, if that wasn't enough of a roller-coaster ride of a week, i had porridge for the first time in my life this morning!


  • At 9:22 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Show us a pic Azuric!

    Also, porridge? Is there a diffrence from that, and oatmeal? Your very Goldy Lockes today, aren't you.

    Did you enjoy the porridge, what did you put on it? Butter? Sugar?

    Please elaborate.

    Thanks :)

  • At 2:57 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    I think oatmeal tends to be ground, whereas porridge is made from rolled oats.

    And butter? But it's already got milk in (unless you make it with water). Honey, sugar or raisins maybe, but I'm struggling to imagine salty porridge.

    School CVs: are they still running that Record of Achievement scheme, which we were told would be so useful when applying for jobs? Because a plasticky book full of Bronze Swimming Certificates so impresses potential employers (maybe it might if the certificates came for things like "pro-activity", "liaisability" and other suitably positive to HR people words). It is worrying when what matters most in job applications appears to be an ability to mirror the wording of the advert and use a jargon theasaurus (when's the closing date? End of the month? Ok, so they'll be wanting paradigm shifts and harnessed entropy, except if it arrives on the Thursday, when they'll appreciate an ironically retro quantum leap).

  • At 8:30 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Thanks Anyhoo! Lord knows Azuric doesn't respond to comments! :)

    I've never had porridge then, just the oatmeal. I like some butter in it, it gives it a rich flavor.

    Besides, butter makes EVERYTHING taste better! :)


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