
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This has gone too far.

Whilst agreeing with Any,
"the world is a little bit of an odd place", i'd also have to add that its filled with ignorants and idiots.

The idiots who were so ignorant and insensitive to print/reprint cartoons that they knew would cause offence to others in the first place. I mean reverse the situation, you wouldn't like it if Muslim media published anything offending Christianity/Jesus would you?
How pathetic and shamefully unintelligent.

And the even bigger idiot extremists who have reacted so violently.
How can you justify such violent outbursts?
How can anyone earn respect for their views when they hit back with bigger threats of injustice?
Like bombing, or at least threatening to, like that pathetic man who marched through London dressed as a suicide bomber.
And later he appologises.
Ha! Sorry?!
Your only sorry you were thrown back in jail where you belong, sick scum.

Not wanting to turn this into a who's-religion-is-better-thing or anything but its the only example i can think of at the moment - when that French designer started selling shoes with images of Hindu gods on which were highly offensive, you didn't see them storming the French embassy, burning flags and killing people.
The matter was resolved with peaceful protest and putting pressure on the company to withdraw the products and appologise.

When will these people learn?
Violence does not solve anything.
Clearly these cartoons were to provoke exactly the kind of violent extremist reaction that right wing publications have jumped to the chance of depicting, i.e. another stereotypical example of 'all Muslims' being 'madmen', when they are not.

On the other hand, if members of the Muslim communities refuse to support violent-natured protests and seek to educate the generations of Muslim communities to resolve divides and misunderstanding more intelligently than rightwing editors/certain American/British leaders/all fanatics in general, then the perhaps nations would unite not divide.

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" - Mahatma Ghandi


  • At 8:14 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    I agree Azuric. The toons were hardly political in nature, and to my understanding, they were not published in American newspapers and/or magazine, YET.

    I won't fight for or against the toons, since I choose to stay out of another countries Cultural Warrior agenda and outcry. And originally from right-leaning publications to boot!


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