
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

GJ Update

The latest from the Sixth form sh*thole of a battlefield:

So in recent weeks the Geeks have grown daring and rebelious, and have started grafitting the walls.
Sometime late last week the message "GEEKS RULE" was marked on the wall above the captured sofa.
This morning however, there was a crowd surrouding the area wielding textbooks and protractors and generally looking angry.
As I came closer to find out what the commotion was, I heard angry Jock-aimed disses and muffled cries of anguish.
Upon nearing the front I realised what the fuss was about...

In massive white graffiti letters were scrawled "JOCKS RULE" over the top of the original message!

I overheard Geeks talking later in the day, and apparently revenge plans include putting a dead fish inside the Jock sofa.

Er...these people are meant to be clever.
Have they not heard of something called diffusion?
Do they not realise that as the Sixth form Sh*thole is all one big room that eventually the smell will drift over to our side?

Actually, come to think of it I think the particular Geek who suggested this idea has a fish fetish.
After all, he was slapped round the face with one last term...

Ah, isn't school so great!


  • At 12:56 pm, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    The geeks should devise some very clever yet redundantly-complicated device that tips over a bucket of water on the jocks upon entering the room.

  • At 12:11 am, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    I say be geeky, and take in a good selection of screwdrivers and Allen keys, and then dismantle everything in the Jocks' side. You could even be kind and leave the screws in a central pile so they can put everything back together again.

    Or you start random bits of sabotage, although beware of retaliation (but it can make life fun). Maybe you could stoke things by sabotaging (reparably) some of the geek stuff, thus unleashing a multitude of savage acts born of hatred on the jocks.

    Or just make little adjustments to the jock stuff, which they won't notice, but which will unsettle them (this may take time, money, patience and ruthlessness). E.g. swapping to dimmer lightbulbs or Paddingtoning the chairs.

    Or you could just confuse everyone and overwrite the graffiti to read "Home Rule".


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