
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Happy Holi!

Holi is the Hindu festival of colour celebrating the arrival of Spring.

In India young and old celebrate by throwing coloured powder and paint at each other, and its an excuse for everyone to have lots of fun and get messy.

Unfortunately being here in the UK, we British Asians don't get to celebrate it in the same way, but still participate in the religious ceremony.


  • At 1:26 pm, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    I'd love to throw powder and paint at people!?!? I love how this festival sounds! Can you throw glitter too?

  • At 7:15 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    They're doing something in the quad tomorrow, and have asked for photographers.

    Anyone else thinking air-borne powder, optical quality glass and fine mechanisms don't really mix? Plus it's March. It's cold. It's probably going to rain. Can it be moved to a warmer month? One where the potential victims/celebrants aren't going to be wearing nearly the clothes they own?

    Unfortunately, I've got stuff on all day, so probably won't get the chance to stick my head round the corner and then run away very fast.

  • At 9:28 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Hehehe, well if you click the link, you can read all about it and the story behind it. And yes, im sure you can throw glitter.

    Stupid British weather! It would be so much more fun if it were warm and dry. But still, you should go for a peek, it'd probably be really funny to watch.


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