
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Im bored.

I didnt think that that was possible with the amount of work I have to do. But im bored of work.
And I have the feeling that this is not the first time Ive started a post with that statement.

So what have I been upto?

Well I missed seeing Kasabian again.

Word spread...relatively slowly actually, through the cafeteria that they were in the newsagents round the corner.
This would be the second time I've missed seeing them.
The first time Tom came into Oxfam for a browse. Nice to see that he's still humble despite the fame.

Although Im not all that bothered as he and Sergio did once ask my friend and I for directions to a music shop. At least I think it was them. Thats my story and Im sticking to it!

What? Living in Leicester this is about as good as it gets for celeb-spotting!

Other than that, my new favourite band are Orson.

*Impersonates Traci Bingham - "
Oh my god, Orson are awesome!"*

I love "No Tomorrow".

Such a great track. It has so many bits to it.
All fused together in a get-up-m-dance-woo! mix.

Oh yes.
We had a Cathedral Service today for Ash Wednesday.
Grrr! Being a senior prefect can be so annoying, having to seat all the little brats, and deal with their mouthy comments, and it just went on and on.
Ok I do love it really, the authority, and walking around in Harry Potter-esque cloaks. But seriously, I mean on and on.

Although I did hear a great quote from somewhere in the Bible. I have no idea where, because, well im not Christian, and have never read it. I did start randomly one time but only got half-way through Genesis.
But anyway the quote:

"Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted"

And remember the exploding social life.
Well it seems that that problem has been sorted as I've been grounded!
How exciting!
I've never been grounded before.
And the worst/funniest thing is that it was for no reason.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to just tell mum that I'd be busy with parties for the next 5 weekends.
Or to argue about the benefits of Pro Plus tablets to students and lack of sideffects, before the declaration.

But apparently Im only allowed out 3 times from now untill July.

Yeah right!


  • At 1:49 am, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    I'm not laughing at all.


    Grounded? How quaint!

    A service for Ash Wednesday? Do you happen to go to an expensive school by any chance?

    BTW, and this might be me showing my age, but who is Traci Bingham?

    Funny hats, shiny pants

    Sorry this a bit incoherent, Dan got today's quota of coherency (or maybe just verbosity). And sorry for not replying yet, but work got in the way.

  • At 8:28 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Dont worry, I was, even as she handed out the sentence.

    And yes, which means every service you can get, with all the trimmings...and mouthy brats!

    Traci B - Celeb BB contestant this year. She is a (nice personality-wise) bimbo, used to be on Baywatch, and talks with a really high-pitched air-head voice. Especially phrases like "Oh my god!" and "AW-some", and occasionally even "Thats AW-ful!"

    Ah you know you love them really...
    "turn that music up till the windows start to shatter!...."


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