As I'm so very tired of staring at the same page of notes from my Lung Development lecture at this very lovely time of half midnight, I've decided to take a break and instead treat you readers to some quality bloggage.
Firstly I have to report that my friend M from school got an offer to do Medicine in London for next October so there's a 50% chance he'll be here with A and I next year. How cool! Next year (if I get there) is going to be "bare jokeage"!.
I'm so happy for him too for getting an offer after being rejcted from everywhere last year.
Secondly I have a very arkward situation at Uni now regarding living with people next year. I know I was really woried about finding people to live with next year a little earler in the term but now the situation seems to have inversed itself (Does that even make sense? Actually I don't care if it doesn't, we both know what I mean and i can hardly see the screen anyway).
The thing is, I asked my friend S early this term about living together and while he said yeas at the time, nothing was said about it afterwards by him until a couple of weeks ago, by which time I'd already thought about living with other people.
Also, as I've got to know S more, and especially recently, I've found that he's really clingy and quite spoilt - he can only ever have things his way and never takes no for an answer, which can be quite suffocating, especially when you want your own space and time.
Furthermore, we're in the same tutorial group and so I think it would be way too much to live and then have all study periods together next year. And he is very insulting all the time. While it was funny at first, now it's just getting annoying.
The only problem is, I havent told him this yet and so he's under the impression that I'm happy to live with him and 2 other friends that I hardly know.
And as if all that wasn't enough, with the people that I do want to live with, I'm a late "fourth" to their already decided household of three. So I haven't got a definate answer from them yet. I spoke to one of them on Friday and he thinks it would be great 'cos I get along with all of them and we're in the same crowd and go to the same nights out and things whilst also being studious. And as a plus, two of them are also "Guji" Indians like me.
He's just got to talk to the other 2....
Thirdly, and 'cos we haven't had one in a while:
Three Random Things
I just went to a party and the Biriyani reminded me of Hadouken!.
I think I have a problem.
Seriously though the rice was luminous green, red, orange, and yellow on a bed of white.
My sister's Japanese friends are here on holiday and whilst they were in London all of last week I didn't get a chance to meet them.
They are at home this weekend, having what sounds like loads of fun with my sister and parents, and I'm tres jealous, but they're coming to CK's house tomorrow (which is where I am right now btw) so I'll finally get to meet them!
Oh my god did anyone see Ugly Betty last night?!
Soo good! And depressingly, next week there is a tripple bill of old episodes compensating for the lack of a new one.
What will I do?!!
*Sigh...thinks about Hawthorne trees...actually sits gaping open-mouthed staring into space day-dreaming before realising what he's day-dreaming about and then getting embarrassed*.
Fourthly, my hair has grown long and needs thinning out and tidying up but I'm really liking it - it's about 1.5 - 2 inches long and the brown has almost grown out leaving a cool merge of natural black underneath, and with the way its been cut-into it's quite strandy and tuftly and messed up and wavy and generally cool.
I'm going to miss the brown. CK think's I should re-dye it, and I do too. But this time I think I'm going to go for a more slate-brown than red-brown.
God I'm vain.
Fifth and finally, my S.A.D. induced depression is over - the weather is getting so nice and sunny!
And to help, I changed all the music on my walkman-phone today, filling the playlist with loads of "chooones".
I can't wait til summer. I so very can't!
Night night,
Azzy D. O. Double Gizzle.
As I'm so very tired of staring at the same page of notes from my Lung Development lecture at this very lovely time of half midnight, I've decided to take a break and instead treat you readers to some quality bloggage.
Firstly I have to report that my friend M from school got an offer to do Medicine in London for next October so there's a 50% chance he'll be here with A and I next year. How cool! Next year (if I get there) is going to be "bare jokeage"!.
I'm so happy for him too for getting an offer after being rejcted from everywhere last year.
Secondly I have a very arkward situation at Uni now regarding living with people next year. I know I was really woried about finding people to live with next year a little earler in the term but now the situation seems to have inversed itself (Does that even make sense? Actually I don't care if it doesn't, we both know what I mean and i can hardly see the screen anyway).
The thing is, I asked my friend S early this term about living together and while he said yeas at the time, nothing was said about it afterwards by him until a couple of weeks ago, by which time I'd already thought about living with other people.
Also, as I've got to know S more, and especially recently, I've found that he's really clingy and quite spoilt - he can only ever have things his way and never takes no for an answer, which can be quite suffocating, especially when you want your own space and time.
Furthermore, we're in the same tutorial group and so I think it would be way too much to live and then have all study periods together next year. And he is very insulting all the time. While it was funny at first, now it's just getting annoying.
The only problem is, I havent told him this yet and so he's under the impression that I'm happy to live with him and 2 other friends that I hardly know.
And as if all that wasn't enough, with the people that I do want to live with, I'm a late "fourth" to their already decided household of three. So I haven't got a definate answer from them yet. I spoke to one of them on Friday and he thinks it would be great 'cos I get along with all of them and we're in the same crowd and go to the same nights out and things whilst also being studious. And as a plus, two of them are also "Guji" Indians like me.
He's just got to talk to the other 2....
Thirdly, and 'cos we haven't had one in a while:
Three Random Things
I just went to a party and the Biriyani reminded me of Hadouken!.
I think I have a problem.
Seriously though the rice was luminous green, red, orange, and yellow on a bed of white.
My sister's Japanese friends are here on holiday and whilst they were in London all of last week I didn't get a chance to meet them.
They are at home this weekend, having what sounds like loads of fun with my sister and parents, and I'm tres jealous, but they're coming to CK's house tomorrow (which is where I am right now btw) so I'll finally get to meet them!
Oh my god did anyone see Ugly Betty last night?!
Soo good! And depressingly, next week there is a tripple bill of old episodes compensating for the lack of a new one.
What will I do?!!
*Sigh...thinks about Hawthorne trees...actually sits gaping open-mouthed staring into space day-dreaming before realising what he's day-dreaming about and then getting embarrassed*.
Fourthly, my hair has grown long and needs thinning out and tidying up but I'm really liking it - it's about 1.5 - 2 inches long and the brown has almost grown out leaving a cool merge of natural black underneath, and with the way its been cut-into it's quite strandy and tuftly and messed up and wavy and generally cool.
I'm going to miss the brown. CK think's I should re-dye it, and I do too. But this time I think I'm going to go for a more slate-brown than red-brown.
God I'm vain.
Fifth and finally, my S.A.D. induced depression is over - the weather is getting so nice and sunny!
And to help, I changed all the music on my walkman-phone today, filling the playlist with loads of "chooones".
I can't wait til summer. I so very can't!
Night night,
Azzy D. O. Double Gizzle.
At 2:26 am,
Anonymous said…
theres a song on my ipod that reminds me of you, even though i dont know you. its called 'the blues are still blue' by belle and sebastian.
just the beginning reminds me of you though. check it out.
At 10:52 pm,
Azuric said…
Aww thanks, thats so sweet. And I love that song!
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