
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

"Yes!" I beamed as i met my sister halfway up the stairs, "we made mum cry!"

"Did you see the tear in her eye?" I asked as we High-fived, "how good are we?!"

"And on her birthday as well."

Dont worry, we are not children from hell.
Im just guessing my mum really felt touched by our individual essay-in-birthday-card gestures.

I think cards are so much better than presents....okay who am I kidding, but they are just as important.
Its the one time when you really should just open up and right what you feel about the recipient, as long as its positive of course.

Although, I wonder just how much more money card companies would make with "Im not Sorry", "I hate you", or even "Without my heartfelt sympathy" lines. Or even an anti-Valentines day?
And while im wondering, just what is the opposite to "congratulations"?
Is there one?

But anyway, yes, a long personal message is so much nicer than
"Dear X , love Y"
Dont you think?


  • At 6:49 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    Opposite of congratulations: You tried/had a good go/did your best. It's the taking part that counts.

    Dear X, Love Y? But that's two more words than necessary. What's wrong with:

    Which can be added to with "HB" or "MC+HNY".

    But the only reason I slim down the standardised message bit (and since when did I stop agonising over whether to use "love"? Now everyone gets it) is because there's invariably a tome on the other internal face, which usually starts for apologising for both the card and my writing, and then just the world in general.

    And you wouldn't happen to know when anyone I know's birthdays are coming up would you, because, having realised I missed one in January (but I ask you, who on earth is born in January - such a dreadful time for a birthday), I'm sure there's more imminent cardage, but I can't remember who and when.

    Or maybe I'm thinking of someone's anniversary, which was two days ago. I still refuse to accept that anyone my age (and the guy's a year younger) can possibly be married.

    This is quite long. Blame cheap Christmas cake making my brain fire on all cylinders (although I suspect someone muddled up the leads when cleaning out the distributor).


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