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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today was not just Valentines day.

Today was also the day that my faith in the British Government was (partially) restored.

MPs have today, taken the right steps to improve the health of the nation. I would stand-up and give them a clap if it weren't so long overdue.

The decision was passed with a 328 strong vote in favour of a ban in all pubs and clubs and this was extended with a 200 strong vote to include private clubs.

Pat told MPs, "I believe it's right to have a complete ban on smoking in public places, including all licensed premises" and is believed to have voted for a total ban. Im glad she came to her senses after all that pussy-footing around.

However there is one aspect of the Health Bill that I disagree with.
Raising the minimum age to 18.
Its just not going to work, and it will be the retailers who suffer.

Is it going to stop 16 year olds from smoking?

Will it give some the incentive to?
I doubt it.

Are retailers going to get attacked and abused by screaming, swearing chavs demanding fags?

I know from personal experience of working behind the counter, having to ask Kappa-clad "yoofs" for ID is not pleasant.

And of course, its the retailers, especially independant shop-owners, who are going to have to deal with all this nastiness, and who are going to have to pay the fines if they dont.


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