
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Now Thats Floor for Thought

Imagine if everything was upside down and we all walked on the ceiling and you had to step up to walk out of a room.

I've been lying on the floor for quite a while now.

I cant remember how i got here actually.

Dont worry, i didnt fall or anything, i am ok.
I just began thinking and cant be bothered to get up.
Im still on the floor as im writing now.

And its quite cool down here. You can see the bottom of desks and chairs and everything!
Everything from a new perspective. You should try it!

So what have i been thinking about?

Well obviously im ecstatic about my offer. Its such a relief. But i havent really been thinking about it much. October is ages away and im a believe-it-when-i-see it kind of person.

There is something wrong with me.

I dont think i can ever be happy. Its like i said in that post before. I am so so greatful and relieved about my offer but now the previous little thing in the back of my mind has returned (that being feeling a need to be in a relationship), and there is the little voice saying i still have to get the grades.

Now im thinking that the first worry will be sorted when i go to uni as there will be loads of new people to meet and im not meeting anyone new here at home at the moment.

However, what if its not that easy to achieve what im aiming to at uni? What if its not as easy as im assuming it will be? After all, why should it be? What if the reasons as to why nothing is happening here also apply there?


Anyway, i better listen to the other little voice and get back to work...


  • At 11:58 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    Good little voice (second one).

    The first... well, stuff happens. Or sometimes doesn't. You can try to control it, but I think planning strategies for several months hence is extrapolating a bit far. Get there, then decide what to do (warning: do not apply to shopping. Otherwise you get lots of Danish pastries and no bread or milk).

    WV: bwgglr
    What do you see?

  • At 6:07 pm, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    I see burgler.

    Laying on the floor for no apparent reason. Be honest, how much have you had to drink?

  • At 9:59 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    It doesn't have to be drink: sometimes it's just nice because it's different. It's like the day you suddenly found you could see over a table, or reach some cupboard.

    But then I have tendency to alarm people by sitting on the floor cross-legged. I'm not sure if it's the legs or the floor that worries them most.

    WV this time, seeing less but more wordy: kabzad
    But what does it mean?

  • At 4:23 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    A "k" and a "z" that has to be worth a lot of points in Scrabble!

  • At 10:43 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    I sit on the floor cross legged all the time too!
    I thought it was a cultural thing.
    Fun though, isn't it.

    VW: imaxuz - subliminal commercial for the IMAX?

  • At 12:15 am, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    It is cultural: it reeks of primary school assemblies (and secondary school ones, come to think of it. Oh the joy of trying to walk past the 3 other years on a leg that's gone to sleep).

    It also means you can have the floor as your desk, which means you can sit in a polo of books and papers.

    WV: giitv
    Either a "how rude" or a national broadcaster pushing actionman or a fad diet.


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