
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Spring is here.
And thats a good thing, but you know what it means...

...open windows.
And you know what open windows mean...

There I am in the shower minding my own business, shampoo in my hair, singing along to The Kooks when suddenly I heard that familiar, bone-chillingly, fear-inducing sound.

I quickly rinse my face and wipe my eyes before opening them to see the terrifying sight which confirmed my fears...

...there was a WASP just metres away buzzing its way towards me!

I've never run so fast in my life.
Luckily there was no one at home at the time. There was water all over the corridor carpet.

And thankfully there was a spare towel on the banister. Otherwise who knows what I would have done.

I eventually managed to coax the thing out of the window with a rolled-up magazine and a stick. (After getting dry and clothed.)

Anyway, I've spent most of the last 2 days revising Mammalian Physiology, and in particular, the Liver. Who would have thought that big brown blob could be so interesting.
But it is, what with performing Glyconeogenesis and everything else it does.
The human body is so fantastic. It never ceases to amaze me.
How it functions, and how it can heal itself. How all the cells know what to do, and even on a microcellular level, the organelles are so interesting. Especially mitochondria, which are like cells within cells.

I got a letter from the University of Birmingham today. An offer for Biomedical Science. They are asking for BBB which is great. And this means I have an insurance, God forbid having to use it though.

My mum sent me a funny text today. It got a LOL from me so I'll share it with you:

Question: If you had sex everyday for a whole year and kept all 365 condoms, melted them down and made a tyre out of the rubber, what would you call it?

Answer: A f**king Goodyear!

And there's nothing much else to report, so I'll leave you with that.


  • At 4:16 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Another hilairious entry. Possibly even more than the last one.
    I can just picture you (or how I imagine you to look) running around in the nuddy.
    I'm terrified of anything that could possibly sting me. Only a couple of months ago I was eating lunch in the courtyard of my school, and a bee landed in my hair and I totally freaked. I ran around the table about 15 times just saying "Oh my God!" over and over again. And my friend Alexis kept saying "You're running towards it!!".
    I was fairly traumatized after that.
    Birmingham was the first uni to reject me. It was tres triste, especially since it was supposed to be my saftey school. But congrats on the offer! The more the better.
    What was your offer from Imperial College?
    Mine from King's was BBB + a French proficiency test. It's all different for me, what with me getting US qualifications.


  • At 6:07 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Hehe thanks, I do try.

    :-S err...should I be flattered, or worried?

    You think thats bad? I had a wasp in my mouth once when I was younger - long story.

    The Imp offer is AAB but thats standard for Medicine.
    Goodluck with the test and grades. Uni in London will be great, don't you think?

  • At 10:12 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Don't worry- you are in the nuddy purely for comic effect- nothing else!

    You had a wasp in your mouth??!! Okay you win....that really makes the one that landed on my leg when I was seven feel like small fry.

    That is a really scary offer, but I'm sure you can do it. Good luck with all that.

    I'm originally from Manchester so I've always had a rather dim view of the south, especially London. However, I'm really trying to go into all this with an open mind, and yes, I have to admit it does look like its going to be pretty fantastic (especially as far as music and events go). I think part of that will just generally be about getting some independence, getting out of secondary ed, and the whole uni experience. I'm really excited about the whole thing.

    Feeling a wee bit under pressure though, when it comes to the grades. I keep having these horrible nightmares where I don't get the grades and end up not being able to go. These dreams typically end with me being forced to work in a launderette.

    Hopefully things will all work out for the both of us :)


  • At 11:20 am, Blogger Azuric said…

    Yeah, I was about eight, and it involved me neglecting a coke can for about 5 minutes.

    Yeah me too. And Manchester is massive. Seems like there is so much going on there all the time, so I can't imagine London being too daunting for you.

    And the way I see it, is that everything happens for a reason. We may not be going to our first choice unis, but maybe in the longrun where we are going will be fantastic.

    Worrying about grades - me too! I think everyone does at our stage. But I guess it motivates one to work harder.
    Hehe - Launderette.

  • At 10:16 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Oh no! That is so horrific. I bet you obsessively check all your drinks now ;)

    So you are from Manchester too? Not a City fan I hope! :)
    It's not really a case of London being big... I guess its just that whole North versus South complex. I have family in London and everytime I went to visit I hated it. But I guess I just haven't seen the right parts.

    I think you are so right about everything happening for a reason. That's what I've been telling myself since I started applying. What was your first choice?

    + I know that I'm definitely working harder than I ever have right now. If I don't make it, I don't want to be left wishing I'd done more.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one stressing about grades!!



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