
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I think im a closet geek.

Maybe not a 100% geek, but I have quite a big degree of geekiness.
A chunky wedge of the geekiness pie-chart.

I was talking to A (the gay friend) a few days ago about the new PC I was getting:

Me: ...oh my new PC will be here by then.

A: your getting a new PC?
Me: Yeah, its so great, 3GHz processor, a Gig of RAM.
A: Wow!
Me: Yeah I know, 200 Gig harddrive, 19 TFT flat screen -
A: - Woah, dude I was being sarcastic. That means nothing to me. I don't know anything about computers.

This, along with being accused of being a geek by another friend for playing with the internals of PCs got me thinking, and lead me to this conclusion.

Further evidence includes:
I know what an RSS feed is
I blog
I own a pair of Converses
Im studying all Sciences and Maths

But im geeky and proud. Nowadays geek is cool. I got the geek chic thing going on!

I haven't really been up to much recently, but then again can you blame me. Revision is making me feel guilty constantly. I hate that feeling.

I did however, do an Orange Wednesday, with N (the friend who likes monkeys) and A.
We went to see She's the man.

A total chick-flick.

And A's choice no less.

It was okay I guess, and funny in places. (But slap-stick funny, not clever funny)

What may I ask is this new US film/TV makers obession with casting actors to play parts that are way too young for them?
It probably happens in the UK as well, im just basing it on examples I have at hand.
I was watching the film and thought, these guys are way too big/built to be 18 or Sophomores/Sixth Formers.
And sure enough, when I IMDB the movie, I find that the lead guy is 25.
7 years older than the character he's meant to be playing.

And it happens in The OC also.
All four of the main characters who are teenagers, going to university next year are played by actors/actresses in their early/mid 20s.

Everyone slates the media for putting pressure on young girls to look like sticks, but they do the same and opposite to guys also.

After the film we went to the pub next door for drinks which was fun. It was good to catch up, even if we've only not seen each other for a week.
And the Arsenal-Portsmouth game was on so that was being half watched.
Poor Sol Campbell - that broken nose/blood streaming situation had to hurt!

What else is there to report?
Ah yes, my metabolism seems to be somersaulting at the moment, every couple of hours im hungry again. Even if I ate loads the meal before.

And my mum has stolen my favourite green hoody, and is holding it captive.
Because apparently its become my "second skin", and I "shouldn't be wearing new clothes in the house".


Yep thats everything.
Night night.


  • At 11:40 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Firstly, I have just responded to the comment you left me, so see my blog for that.
    Secondly, I know exactly what you mean about geek being chic these days. Look at Adam Brody of The OC. Girls are definitely into more geeky guys. I have been noticing that alot myself lately. However I don't think the correct label is "geek". I think that guys like you and Adam Brody are just super-smart and hipster-esque. Which are two qualities that are only ever positive.
    Thirdly, I'm going to stop numbering my thoughts now before I get out of control.
    I was flipping through a magazine of my friend's the other day and there was an article about Rachel McAdams, the girl who played the blonde super mean girl in the movie Mean Girls (I don't know if you've seen it). In the movie, she is supposed to be about 16. In real life she is 29 years old. No joke. I was aghast and agog.
    And, yes, Sol Campbell's broken nose was horrific, especially since he just started playing first team matches after being out injured for ages. What football team do you support??
    There are no pubs here. I'm not kidding. There are only bar/resturant type things. And you are not allowed to drink until you are 21, which means I have not had my first legal drink yet.
    I am currently going through the exact same thing with my metabolism right now and have decided to attribute it to stress. It could be the same for you, though it sounds like you are having a great time :)
    + I love hoody's. Especially when they smell like my perfume. I think everyone should have one.


  • At 1:11 am, Blogger Anyhoo said…

    I'll have you know that not all 25-year-olds are way too built. Some of us... er, this can only end badly, right?

    But yeah, it is annoying when some film or television programme has a "16-year-old" boy who can grow more of a beard than I can.

    Are Converse geek indicative? Oh dear. Except I haven't got any now, as they closed the cheap factory outlet at Bicester (and my brother's no longer at Warwick - my older brother who graduated in... not this century - so I don't tend to pass it as much). So I haven't worn them in years, yet still think of them as a me shoe.

    Converses? Surely Converse are like sheep? Chucks maybe, but Converses? Talks to, innit?

    Er, I think I probably ought to shut up and go to bed.

  • At 7:56 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    What if you only wear Addidas?

    Old actors playing young'ins has been from the inception of Hollywood. Well maybe not... since plastic surgery? Botox?

    I hated 90210 back in the day, partly because these guys were so frikken OLD with flawless skin. I was in highschool at the time, and I looked like a pizza face. The audience can suspend realism for a while (a few years or so) in a series, but when the actors are begining to go bald... you can't pretend they are still in high school.

    I like geeks, they have a certain amount of sex appeal, must be a hold over of the information age.

  • At 3:25 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    In Full Bloom:
    - Well, I don't know about being super-smart, and Im not quite sure what hipster-esque means (it must be a US thing) but I knw what you mean about the AB from the OC thing.
    - As far as footie goes, I dont support any team (but then again, I come from Leicester, can you blame me? Hehe). I like playing it and do (rarely though) and dont mind watching some games. I can't wait for the world cup, its always fun. But yeah, I dont follow it much. I had to get a friend to teach me about the whole aggregate/away goals thing.
    - Meta - it could be stress, but im not feeling stressed at all (yet!) which is making me slightly worried.

    - Hehe, but im sure you'd agree you (plural) are more than the average 18 year old.
    - Converse(s) were a big underground geek thing. Then they became "cool", and everyone has a pair. I think thats attributed to the Indie music scene becoming massive and The OC.

    - Adidas are cool, but the only pair I have are used for sport/in the gym, not general wear.

  • At 8:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Geeks are hot because of thier large hemispheres, size dous count! They however are especially sexy when they where black framed librarian glasses!


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