
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Gosh I feel so lethargic.

And my arms and shoulders ache.
Its been going on for a while now.
I kind of dull, tired, ache.
I had been doing shoulder exercises with dumbells almost everyday but haven't since Saturday night.
So surely if it was anything to do with that it would have ceased by now?

Yesterday, I had my Mechanics (M2) exam.
Overall I found it quite hard.

The first half was so easy, and had me thinking "Hehe! Chamawn A", but then almost with the turn of a page, the second half became murderous.
However, upon leaving the Great Hall and talking to everyone else, I discovered that everyone in my set found it hard.
All the clever/geek people (which, despite what my friends would say, does not include me!)
And If they found it hard.
It must have been.
Im confident I have done okay.

Today I had Chemistry Units 1 -3.
Yay! Joy to the world, retakes are over!

Despite wishing that I hadn't retaken them, and getting stressed and worked up about them, I was so glad I did redo them.
I don't want to sound cocky, but it just seemed so much easier this time round.
Well units 1 and 2 did, 3 was solid.
Having said that, I probably won't have bettered myself anyway, but at least I took the chance.

And I think I like the smell of exam papers.
Does that make me weird?
They just have this distinct smell about them, when they come fresh out of their sealed envelopes.
Its probably the smell of the ink used to print them...which is probably a solvent...and so im probably slowly getting wasted throught the exam. Moving on...

Now its going to get fun. With the retakes out the way, I can concentrate on the real A-levels. Here comes the stressing, late nights, and cans of Red-Bull wannabe but nicer-tasting soft drinks.



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