
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


What is with these annoying people with their blatant Indian accents and their fake English names calling me every 5 seconds to sell me something?!

They are so unbelievably irritating its amazing.

And they just dont get the message, I am NOT interested.
N-O-T interested!
That means you read the "Okay sir, thankyou, have a good day" line off your script and put the phone down.
Not then ask me, "But why? Its free! I can give you a free Motorola blah blah with 1200 free texts a month for only £35 a month blah blah..."

And I, being so nice, am too polite to just put the phone down or anything else so have to listen to their sales speech before I can tell them to go away.

I've just had "Mike" (err more like Mukhesh) on the phone from Toucan informing me that I could get free calls and blah blah, and repeatedly asking me how to spell my last name.

There was no way I could tell him that, "TalkTalk are offering me a better deal so thanks but no thanks", without having to then give him every minute detail of said deal.
Believe me, I speak from experience.

Then literally 3 minutes later I had "Paul" calling from Something-or-other asking me how much I was paying on my mortgage.
Im 18 years old. I dont have a mortage. I dont even have a house!
And no, the homeowner is not in. Grrr!

The most infuriating thing however, is the 10 second gap between when you answer the phone and when they start talking.
And the delay.
And the fact that they read their scripts over everything you say, so then repeat themselves 3 times in the confusion.
You'd think that the companies would invest some of the money saved in moving their call centres abroad into better network connections.

I know they are just doing their jobs and it isn't their fault, and they do take a lot of abuse but still remain calm and polite...normally.

On one occassion:

[Ring Ring]
Me: Hello?
[10 second gap]
Me: Hello? Hello?!
Her: Good evening sir, is Mr [Azuric's Father] there?
Me: Who's calling? (understandably peed off)
Her: I am Blah Blah, calling from Blah Blah.
Me: No he's not.
Me: Bye.

Her: Okay thankyou.
Me: [Hangs up]

--- 5 minutes later ---

[Ring Ring]
Me: Hello?
[10 second gap]
Me: Hello? Hello?!
Her: Good evening sir, is Mr [Azuric's Father] there?
Me: No he's not.
Me: Er, can I ask who's calling? (In an irritated tone as she just called 5 minutes ago)
Her: Er, no, you cant.
Her: [Hangs up]
Me: Cheeky Cow!

--- 30 minutes later ---

[Ring Ring]
Me: Hello?
[10 second gap]
Me: [Realises its her]
Me: Allo? Allo?
Her: Good evening sir, is Mr [Azuric's Father] there?
Me: Allo?
Her: Hello? Is Mr [Azuric's Father] there?
Me: Allo? Je ne comprends pas. Je ne parle pas Anglais.
Her: Hello?
Me: Je pense que vous avez les faux numero.
Her: Hello?
Me: D'accord, au revoir.
Me: [Hangs up]

I know it was evil, but she deserved it.

Ahh, rant over now I feel better...

[Ring Ring]



  • At 8:14 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    I love French!

    The next time they call put on some 70's "porn" music in the background really loud and pretend your trying to pay attention to the movie.

    Then tell her/him that you're looking for the hand creme, and procede to moan and groan... while only halfway listening to their voice.

    Every so often tell them to speak up, and "say that again, it sounds so sexy when you say that."

    I heard this on a crank call once, the caller was so disgusted they hung up! Funny stuff.


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