
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Im Free!

Liberated from the oppression of exams!

Free from 14 years of School!

Im a free man!

An independant young adult!



  • At 7:35 pm, Blogger Anyhoo said…


    I'm Free!
    Liberated from the oppression of exams!
    Free from 14 years of school-ing or attendance!
    I'm a free man!
    An independent, young adult!

    Reconsider the first sentence. "I am free" might be more emphatic. The capitalisation is unnecessary and distracting. Exclamation marks should be used sparingly. Overuse dilutes the impact each makes and suggests the writer is easily excited. Such susceptibility to undue excitation implies dullness.

    School obviously had a profound effect upon you.

    And am I supposed to hearing "I'm free!" in the voice of John Inman.

    [Drat, blogger won't let me use font-color, so it's bold instead of red, and I'm not sure one can have bold apostrophes].

  • At 9:27 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I'm jealous.

    The corrections are hilarious.

  • At 9:36 am, Blogger Azuric said…

    Mr Hoo:

    Sorry Sir.
    Do I have to write out my corrections 5 times in the back of my book?

    John who?

    Thanks. It feels...just...so...amazingly...not all that special now actually. Talk about an anti-climax.

  • At 11:02 am, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Congrats Azuric, you have survived!

    Now, as you move on with your life, you can begin to look back fondly at those days with a new perspective. Mostly on how much free time you had!

    I hate work.

  • At 7:03 pm, Blogger afrosmile said…

    we are never free. whats next uni or work? you will soon find it suffocating.
    i am speaking from experience
    your blogs interesting and thanks for visiting mine.

  • At 7:21 pm, Blogger Azuric said…

    Hey AfroSmile, thanks for getting back.
    Uni next, well...as long as I get the grades.
    Can't wait.


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