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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Just my 71-6-19.

The Chemistry module 5 exam was absolutely horrible.
It was ridiculously hard, and so synoptic.

The whole paper contained the types of questions where you have to understand Chemistry fully, and not just learn what happens.

It just wasn't me though as everyone found it hard, which is both reassuring and good because hopefully this means the grade boundaries will drop.

The Biology Synoptic was also not exactly easy.
Better than Chemistry 5 but testing nonetheless.

And guess who was looking at the time for another paper and thus thought he had 15 minutes more than he did.

Teachers can be so annoying sometimes.
Firstly it's an exam, so is meant to be quiet.
Okay, you can't be blamed for coughing, but do you have to walk into the middle of the room and cough repeatedly in a monotonous and unrealistically loud way?
Especially near the end of the 90 minutes when everyone is under pressure and trying hard to concentrate.
I nearly started laughing when I heard someone behind me tut loudly.

Secondly, why do they put people doing different exams in the same room?
Okay so you may have to collect up one set of exam papers but do you have to shout?
"Put your hands up if you're doing this paper"
"Both hands"
"Now do star jumps"

And finally, yes you do have the right to repeatedly order us to "get those phones out of here now!", but maybe you should then take you're own advice.
Or at least answer the bloody thing when it starts ringing.

Aah, rant 1 over.

Rant 2:

I was reading the local paper the other day, and read a letter from one man who was complaining that he saw an England flag on someone's car (in support of the World Cup) but that the car itself was a Japanese make, and went on about how that was really bad and English people should support everything English.

What a complete plonker.
People like this really annoy me.
They are so narrow-minded it’s amazing.
They are so blinded by their own ignorance that they are missing what the World Cup is all about - so many people of different nations and cultures coming together in the name of Football to have fun, and to educate each other about their cultures.

And furthermore, I’m assuming that this man watches TV and uses a mobile phone like a vast majority of the population.
Heck lets be really daring and assume he has used a computer.
Then he would be using technology which has partially been designed in Japan.

Yes we can be patriotic, and should be proud of our country/ies.
And the World Cup is an obvious time to be patriotic.
But there is a line.

Aah, rant 2 over.


  • At 4:09 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I'm taking AP Chem next year so I'll probably be writing similar blogs about how awful and hard Chemistry is. I'm sorry it was so hard! Hopefully you'll pull a good grade.

    Also, kudos for making me laugh at your second rant.

  • At 11:16 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

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  • At 11:18 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Chemistry is really horrible, so in a sense I can identify. However, unlike you, I never have to do anything chem related ever again. Last year was my final time, which is just as well, because I don't think I've ever been so crap at anything in my whole life. Kuleigh knows that I'll be the wrong person to ask for help from when she takes it next year.
    I'm so sorry the test gave you a hard time, but I'm sure you did really well. Keep your chin up and remember it'll all be worth it in the end. I know you'll be OK :)

    Regarding Rant #2- I really hate people like that (and believe me there are ALOT over here). And you are totally right about what the WC is supposed to be about, I just wish more people would understand that. I think people are ignorant towards other cultures simply because they don't understand them. Sad, but true.



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