5 down, 5 (proper ones) to go!
Its so unbeliveably hot, its disgusting.
Im sweating just sitting here.
This reminds me of Summer in Japan.
Except without the ciccadas.
I feel like going for a cold shower, a really cold one, the type that make you pant and gasp for breath (Does anyone know why that is?), but I fear I may collapse somewhere between here and the bathroom.
What is good is this whole glowing sun-kissed skin thing thats going on.
Everyone just looks better.
(God that sounds really shallow doesn't it?)
And Im used to being golden-brown, but this is a nice change.
(And that sounds really vain doesn't it?)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I was just thinking today about when these exams end, and the fact that in a months time everything will be over.
Its going to be like the end of an era.
So strange.
Like a new chapter of life.
And hopefully a fun and successful one, both careerwise and relationshipswise.
Because Im so bored.
And Im bored of blogging that Im bored.
I want some-thing/one exciting to come along.
And to be honest im still a bit confused about stuff...or rather one thing in particular.
Which is annoying because I don't know what to do about it.
Even though I do know what I want in the long run.
I don't have to decide anything for the shortrun anytime soon, but still.
I've seen something I would quite like.
Although I dont know whether I could get it.
Which is also annoying.
And causes further debate over the above.
It doesn't make me feel worse about myself.
But then again, it shouldn't should it?
Anyway, there's no harm in a bit of window-shopping now and again is there?
At 7:24 am, Rob7534 said…
Can you be any more obscure babe? HA!
Yes you are vain, and perhaps shallow, but the sweaty glowy thing... HOT! And sexy!
Good luck w/the exams. Just cheat.
At 1:42 am, Unknown said…
"I want some-thing/one exciting to come along." I hear that.
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