
Welcome to ObscureAzure, a slice of MindCake™ belonging to Azuric.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Im fed up.

I cant concentrate on my revision. I dont feel motivated to do any work. And at the same time Im constantly feeling guilty about the lack of progress Im making, so feel obligated to sit here at my desk and do...nothing.

I hate holidays. I want to go back to school. As geeky as that sounds, I want to see my friends, and to have something to do. Three weeks off for Easter is much too long, especially when your imprisoned in your house under revision guilt.

I feel angry and upset also. With life. I know that is a really stupid thing to say, because I have so much good stuff going for me. And everything is going good. On the surface.
Inside however, underneath that, Im aching a little.

Sometimes I hate being half of one thing and half of another. I know it could be worse, but I cant help thinking that Im juggling to halves of nothing.
I guess Im just tired of this underlying feeling of being lonely and in the dark...

Oops! Im going to have to end this here, I've lost track of thought after having listened to Smiley Faces - Gnarls Barkley.
That track is so deep. The lyrics are amazing.


  • At 10:28 pm, Blogger In Full Bloom said…

    Regarding your iRiver woes- my mp3 player only holds 20 gigs so you can imagine my musical hell. I planning on buying an iPod before Uni starts.
    You got three weeks off for Easter??!! Guess how long we got in the arsehole of the world....1 day! I kid you not. I could really use three weeks off right now too.
    And I can identify with being half of one thing and half of another- I'm half black (actually a quarter on my dad's side but since he considers himself black it feels like it is a whole half of me...this goes on to being a very long story about how my dad grew up in an orphanage and thought he was all black until he was 50....true...but will be saved for another time je pense) + half white and it has been hard to find a place to fit at times. I really hope you were talking about something like that and that I didn't just misinterepret the whole thing.
    Whatever it is that is making you sad, I really hope you feel better very soon. There is nothing like being stuck in a rut, waiting for Uni to start and life to begin- I think its killing us all right now.
    You know where I am if you ever need to talk to someone far away :)
    (+ I apologise for another looooong comment.)



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